9 Absolutely Free CDN Plugins for WordPress

If you are really serious about your website performance and want to increase the site loading speed, you should start using a Content Delivery Network (CDN). A CDN will reduce the load on your host servers by loading static and common media files from fast-loading remote servers.

As there are lots of CDN services available, choosing the appropriate one could be tricky. That is why we have prepared a list of 9 of the best CDN plugins for WordPress. Let’s start, shall we?


CloudFlare is one of the most popular CDN services for WordPress. Besides its excellent CDN feature, the CloudFlare plugin offers other useful features like total protection from spammers and detailed information about the comments on your contents. The superior security features of CloudFlare will help you in keeping your site safe and secure from potential hackers and abusers. You will find detailed instructions about setting up CloudFlare in WordPress sites here.


By using this excellent free plugin, you can easily integrate the services of jsDelivr.com in your website and use them easily. This totally free public network hosts all commonly used jQuery plugins, JavaScript libraries along with the CSS, PNG and other common files they require. jsDelivr also hosts the javascript files that are used by popular WordPress plugins. The plugin allows you to use the CDN service without having to edit any code. It works perfectly with other caching plugins like WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache.


Cloudinary is an excellent free WordPress plugin to supercharge your images. The plugin lets you upload all the images to the cloud. Besides reducing the load on your server, this also helps you in optimizing and backing up your images in an easier and simpler way. You can apply different types of filters and/or effects on your images. Other useful features include face detection, rotate, resize, crop, PDF processing, shape alteration, etc. The fully optimized images are delivered via a superfast CDN system.

4.WP CDN Rewrite

WP CDN Rewrite is another popular CDN plugin for WordPress. This plugin allows you to provide custom URL for your website assets, JavaScript, CSS files, etc. As these elements will be loaded from external sources, your page load time will be improved significantly. You will also enjoy the page boost resulted from parallel browser requests. The plugin relies on the Voce Settings API.


The official Incapsula plugin will make sure that you are getting all the benefits of Incapsula, one of the leading CDN services out there. Additionally, the plugin will also help you in getting the real IP addresses of your visitors. All the traffic to your website will be redirected through Incapsula servers. As a result, the incoming traffic will be highly profiled and closely monitored. You will also be safe from even the latest web security threats, malicious bots and intruding spammers.


If you are using BootstrapCDN, then this plugin is a must for your WordPress site. This free, public content delivery system will help your site to load JavaScript, CSS and image files from remote servers. By using NetDNA’s global network, BootstrapCDN will retain your website performance during traffic surges too. As the plugin will help your site to make less server requests, you will ultimately get a faster site and use less bandwidth.

7.Blue Hat CDN

Looking for a way to supercharge your website loading speed? You can do that by using the Blue Hat CDN plugin. The plugin is provided with useful features like high quality image optimization, database optimization, parallel download optimization, JS/CSS compression etc. Making use of various remote servers, the plugin is also capable of offloading the static files of your website. The plugin works perfectly with other caching plugins.

8.CDN Speed Cache

CDN Speed Cache is an excellent free WordPress CDN plugin which offers premium level CDN caching service. By using cloud caching technologies, this plugin will provide a significant boost to your website loading speed. The plugin developers have made it a priority to use only those optimization techniques that do not conflict with other plugins. The plugin will start working within an hour of installing and activating on your website.

9.Rackspace CDN

If your website is powered by Rackspace’s Cloud Files CDN, you should also take advantage of its official plugin. Rackspace CDN will sync and deliver all the media files of your WordPress website. Once all the media files are synced with the remote server, you have the option to keep them on your server or use them directly from the remote server.

So, these were my picks for the 9 best free CDN plugins for WordPress. Which one you are using on your site? And if you are using any other CDN plugin, let me know that too.