How to Choose the Perfect WordPress Theme for Your Website?

How to Choose the Perfect WordPress Theme for Your Website

Choosing the perfect WordPress theme is a very important step in your website building process. By choosing a fitting theme for your website, you can offer an excellent quality website to your visitors. On the other hand, choosing the wrong theme can create all kind of problems for you or your website. In today’s post, I will share some practical tips about choosing the perfect theme for your website. These tips are based on my real-life experience as both a theme developer and a regular theme buyer. I hope these tips will come handy for you too.

Tips on How to Nicely Present Your Product

"author guidelines product tips"

It usually doesn’t matter how great your theme. template, or another digital product is if your item’s presentation is poorly done. If the presentation isn’t great, your chances of having strong, ongoing sales are low. So, we’ve taken some time to put together some of the best tips to follow when submitting an item for sale on the ThemeSnap marketplace. These tips should help you create awesome item pages and present your items in the best way possible to customers, taking advantage of all of the marketplace features we now offer.

Top Picks – 5 Best WordPress Affiliate Link Marketing Plugins

If you’re a WordPress user and make money, or would like to make money, from affiliate marketing, the choices of what plugins to use can get quite confusing. There are a number of requirements to look at before jumping right in and installing random plugins without understanding what each one of them does — or does not do.

In this short post, we’ll simply cover the top 5 WordPress affiliate plugins we feel are easy to setup and manage. The least amount of work for the greatest return is the goal, right? 😉

Creating an Effective Newsletter from Scratch using WordPress and MailPoet

"newsletter wordpress options"

Want to send newsletters to your visitors but don’t know where to start? Don’t want to outsource or bust your wallet? How about sending newsletters right from your WordPress admin panel?

There’s no need to use 3rd party services for sending newsletters. You can do it yourself for free. Furthermore, you can control everything from the dashboard of your beloved CMS–very convenient for sending interesting content to a smaller community of readers.

Top 10 Essential WordPress Plugins for Your New WordPress Site

"Drupal SEO Modules"

No WordPress site can do without essential WordPress plugins that manage certain aspects of your website. Default functionality is the skeleton, and plugins are the meat and inner organs… well, at least if a rather crude analogy is used. 🙂

It’s true that you must ask yourself if a plugin is really necessary when you’re about to install one, or several.

A Guide to Transliterating Post URLs in WordPress

"transliteration post urls wordpress"

The most commonly used language for WordPress blogs is, of course, English, which is based on the classical Latin alphabet. There are, however, plenty of other languages that use different alphabetic systems, such as the Cyrillic for some Slavic languages and the Greek script for Greek. This can cause problems with your blog post URLs (slugs) if the user’s computer doesn’t recognize other alphabetical systems than Latin. This in turn makes visitors much less likely to share your content and click your links.

5 Best Social Media Plugins for WordPress

You blog. You use WordPress to blog. You want users to share your content.

So far so good. However, if the content is to be shared, it has to look swell. That’s where social media plugins come in. They give you control over the way your content looks in social networks—and search engines as well — and make the content much more ‘shareable’ without much extra effort on your part.