12 Drupal SEO Modules & External SEO Tools to Boost Your Drupal Rankings

12 Drupal SEO Modules & External SEO Tools to Boost Your Drupal Rankings

Do you remember the Atari 2600 game called Pitfall? If you don’t, it’s probably because you’re too young to remember the Atari… or perhaps it’s just because I’m getting too old. 🙂 Nevertheless, I think the game Pitfall sums up the feelings I often get when I notice something amiss or inherently wrong with one of our Drupal website’s SEO. When I see those areas not optimized, or that we just missed or overlooked, I can’t help but feel like the little 2D pitfall guy jumping over those vicious cobras or alligators. It’s NOT a good feeling. The landscape for SEO modules and external SEO tools has changed tremendously over the past few years.