How and When to File a Lawsuit for Emotional Distress

When the trauma of a vehicle crash leaves you feeling emotionally damaged, what then? Can you get assistance with that?

Indeed, it is not easy to cope with the after-effects of an accident, but we have excellent news! To learn more, click here.

Anxiety and distress are terms used to describe what?

The term “emotional distress” refers to the mental or emotional suffering resulting from a traumatic event or another person’s carelessness. Anxiety, sadness, and PTSD are all medically verifiable conditions that can cause emotional suffering for someone who has been in a car accident.

Emotional anguish is not always easy to put a label on. Those who have experienced emotional trauma may also have difficulty sleeping, memory problems, irritability, social disengagement, and feelings of frustration, overwhelm, guilt, or helplessness. We acknowledge that you’re going through a difficult time emotionally, and we assure you that your experience is valid.

5 Categories of Emotional Struggle

It is crucial to have a medical expert document your mental discomfort after a car accident because it is usual for victims to experience some degree of emotional anguish after the incident. After being involved in an accident, one may feel a range of emotions.

Suffering in general

Since it’s normal to feel upset after a car accident, and since insurance companies typically reward policyholders for “pain and suffering,” it’s reasonable to expect some degree of emotional discomfort after a collision. Your claim can contain nonspecific “pain and suffering” even if you haven’t seen a doctor about it.

You should talk to your doctor if your accident has left you feeling emotionally distressed, such anger, grief, concern, or guilt.

Panic disorders and attacks

When overwhelming anxiety or fear suddenly and unexpectedly arises, we call this a panic attack. Traumatic experiences, such as being in a vehicle accident, have been linked to the development of panic episodes and panic disorders. Chest discomfort, shortness of breath, sweating, shaking, trembling, rapid heartbeat, and extreme fear may all be experienced by those who are suffering.

Anxiety, No. 3

A car crash might trigger anxiety or an anxiety disorder. Anxiety manifests itself in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: excessive concern, nervousness, trouble concentrating, trouble sleeping, stomach discomfort, and hyperventilation. Severe panic attacks are one symptom of an anxiety disorder, which can be identified by a medical professional. Seek medical attention if you’re experiencing anxiety symptoms after a car crash.