How To Find A Storage with Electricity

For any number of reasons, a person may want to store their personal belongings or other items in a secure and private place. This space is usually not in their home. This can be for privacy reasons or a need for more space.

Self-storage facilities are available to help and provide people like this with the needed space to keep whatever they want to. The space can vary in size and in features depending on what the user needs it for. Here’s a link for you to find cheap yet secure and comfortable self storage in brighton

These facilities are typically let out to people who need them on a short-term basis. This can be every day, weekly, or monthly. You may also find options that make longer-term rent available. You can store whatever you want in these spaces. However, they are typically prohibited from being used for residential or business purposes.

Usually, the rented unit is secured by the tenant using their personal lock and key. The facility also does not take control of the unit except in cases where a lien is imposed. This is often due to non-payment.

At times, the facility may lock the space temporarily if it is left unlocked until the tenant secure it themselves. You can see more on this here.

Storage Unit Features

Storage Unit Features

When looking to rent a storage unit to keep your items, there are many things you need to put into consideration. These can include the size of the unit and if it is available on a subscription basis. Also, you want to know if you can have access any time you want during office hours and if it is secure.

Furthermore, you need to consider the kind of items you can store in there. Is there drive-up access, parking and so on? Some of these facilities provide items like boxes, packaging supplies and locks in a bid to assist users in safekeeping their properties. These supplies are usually for sale.

Other things a storage facility might typically offer include a trucking service to help tenants move their goods. They may also offer insurance for users to purchase and provide cover for their belongings. One other factor that you may need to consider when renting a storage space is if you need electricity.

Electricity is not typically provided by most storage facilities and for good reason. Normally, the hallways are well lit and there is enough lighting to see your belongings. Additionally, most users are not expected to come around at night to check their stuff. You can find the qualities of a good self-stage facility here

Reasons Why Electricity is not Provided

Most facilities do not provide electricity because they want to discourage tenants from spending time there. Some users may turn the space into a living area and the facility does not want this. Also, putting in electricity will only drive up the operational cost for the storage center and ultimately for the tenants.

You are only expected to keep your stuff and come around occasionally to check, add to, or remove them. In fact, considering if electricity is available may seem insignificant until you need it. It is something a lot of people do not think about when renting a storage space.

Nevertheless, there are some occasions when you need to have electricity and electrical outlets in your storage unit. This comes as a sort of upgrade and it is offered by only a few facilities.

Reasons You May Need Electricity in a Storage Space

There are good reasons why you may need electricity in your storage unit. Some of these include:

For The Purpose of Work

As previously mentioned, storage units are typically prohibited from been used for living or for business. However, there are times when you want to do some work away from your home or office.

In the process, you may need to do little things like plug in your computer, printer, or phone. You may also want to arrange stuff or take inventory and having more than natural lighting at this point can be very helpful.

To Liven Up Your Space

A storage area can be very quiet and seem out of touch especially when you are the only one in your unit. For people that do not like too much quiet, these can be very eerie. Some cannot stand this feeling and having electricity will make them feel safe.

Also, they perhaps want to spice up things by plugging a music player and playing music to liven up the place. If they will be spending an extended time, they may also have a need for a fan or other cooling device.

Finding a Storage with Electricity

A handful of facilities provide storage with electricity and electrical outlets. To get this feature, you must have a genuine reason to want it. You should look for a place that offers this but bear in mind that it likely comes at an extra fee.

Also, it is better to enquire about this in person than over the phone as you will likely get a no. Additionally, avoid raising any suspicions that will make the facility manager deny you. You need to reassure them that you do not intend to live in or use an appliance that can cause a hazard.

It is also best to come around during office hours and if the manager or caretaker says no, don’t get upset. If you win their trust, they may eventually offer you electricity or refer you to another facility that provides this feature.


Although a lot of storage facilities do not offer electricity, you can always find a handful who do if you need it. However, you must have a genuine reason why you need it.

Remember that there are legitimate reasons the facility does not want to offer you this. Always be honest with the management of the facility on reasons why you want electricity and they may be able to help you.