The Best Way You Can Make Money Out of Writing

Are you passionate about writing, and you always wonder how you can make money out of it? Then, this is the perfect article for you because I am about to give you some simple ideas that would make you rich just by writing.

You must have come across a famous blog that almost everyone you know reads. But, did you know that this blog is bringing money to its owner/writer? People are making literal millions out of their writing online. So if you believe you have the talent to write, why hold back? Start working on it right now!

Please don’t listen to what people say; it doesn’t take a tech-savvy to create a blog online anymore. Nowadays, all you need is $5 and content to create the next best blog in the world. Many people started their blogs for fun, and now it has become their career that provides them with their main income.

If you still don’t believe that you can become a millionaire by writing, here are some statistics on blog readers in 2021:

  • More than 409 million people view more than 20 billion web pages.
  • More than 60% of online blogs become successful.
  • 46% of people prefer taking advice from bloggers online.
  • 77% of internet users read blogs
  • Huffington Post receives an annual income of $500 million.
  • Adding a blog to a website will increase the traffic by 434%.

How to Create a Blog

The steps to creating a blog are easy and simple, I will briefly list them out here, but if you want to read about it in-depth, you can read article How to Start a Blog.

  1. Find a good website builder: Finding a reliable website builder is very important for the success of your blog as it can play a huge factor in how high your articles will rank and how much profit they will bring you.
  2. Create an account to sign up: The next step after finding the one website builder for you is to create an account to navigate the website builder easily and explore all its sections.
  3. Subscribe to a plan: Website Builders offer many plans for different prices. You need to view the features of each plan and pick the one that fits your needs the most.
  4. Choose a template: This should be a fun task as website builders offer huge libraries of versatile templates that you can choose from! After that, you can customize it and move things around to make it look even better. Your blog feed format will look awesome after you’re done with it. And it’s all for free!
  5. Write your content: Now, try to find something that you’re interested in writing about. Pick something interesting and fun because you’re going to write about it for quite some time.
  6. Publish your blog: Now you’re ready to go live and have the people start reading your blog. Just click on the publish button, and you’re good to know.

Blog Ideas that Are Popular Now

Here are some things you can write about in your blogs:

  1. Create a Photography Blog: If you like photography, you can capture the world and add a suitable caption under each picture.
  2. Create a Literature Blog: If you love reading, then this is your time to speak your mind about the books you read and what you think of them.
  3. Product Review Blog: Write your honest opinions about the products you’re using and give people advice.
  4. Memes Blog: Who doesn’t love memes? We all need a good laugh after a long day of work or school! So create your own memes and make people laugh!