10 Tips for Designing a Perfect Logo

Branding and marketing are essential parts of any business and that is the reason why many established businesses are spending thousands of dollars to make sure they improve their identity. Branding your business means to distinguish it from others and helping it build its own recognization and reputation. There are multiple things … Read more

How to Make Your Own Images for Articles and Posts

How to Make Your Own Images for Articles and Posts

A big part of information we intake is visual and a big part of the people are better visual learners. Sometimes an image can send out a powerful message that can motivate, depress, attract or repulse.
Personalized images make a distinction in the eyes of the reader as there are so many sites and sources of information that goes before us everyday that it’s hard to remember the source in case we want to get back and check it again or recommend and share with others.

Tips on How to Nicely Present Your Product

"author guidelines product tips"

It usually doesn’t matter how great your theme. template, or another digital product is if your item’s presentation is poorly done. If the presentation isn’t great, your chances of having strong, ongoing sales are low. So, we’ve taken some time to put together some of the best tips to follow when submitting an item for sale on the ThemeSnap marketplace. These tips should help you create awesome item pages and present your items in the best way possible to customers, taking advantage of all of the marketplace features we now offer.